18 January 2011

More on "Blue Monday" (if I'm completely honest...)

There is something to be said about this "Blue Monday" thing...
I will confess that I am feeling a bit gloomy today, about the state of my "career" (or lack there of). 
I know I'm not alone, and that there are hundreds of thousands of people looking for work, wanting to be and do more with their lives and talents, waiting for that big break/lift/push, whatever, whilst languishing in jobs that don't fully challenge nor wholly fulfill them.
And this is thing about Blue Monday. It's a signal, isn't it? A mid-way marker. An a-ha moment. 
A-ha! The day seems to say, here you are, mid-way through January, the year that started with such sparkle, hope, insight, promise and chutzpah!
"This is MY year!" you said to yourself. This is my year to kick some butt and take names!
And where are you now? Where now are those plans, goals and ambitions? 
New Year's resolutions tossed aside like crumpled Christmas wrapping paper; strategies for that "fresh start" lie festering like a moldy mince pie in the bottom of the bread bin of broken dreams.
Oh, dear.
It is in times like these that I remind myself that I spent the better part of the 1980s as a "Goth", and that gloom and doom can be as addictive as chocolate...

1 comment:

Spike said...

I was just thinking, "Is she having a Smith's or Cure moment?"

Keep your head up!!!