13 October 2008


I did it! I drove today. That’s right I got behind the wheel of “the tank” (SAAB wagon) and drove.

The D.E.B. needed to collect his camper van from the mechanic’s shop in Alveston, so we made a plan over the weekend that I would drive him there.  I had, thankfully, forgotten about this little plan, so I did not have time to fret and panic about it today before the D.E.B. arrived home from work.

My only real fear, apart from killing us, was having the D.E.B. as co-pilot on the journey to Alveston. (I have sooo many horror stories of impatient and irate relatives, parents, etc. "coaching" me while I'm behind the wheel. Curious that, people don't seem to realize the more nervous and anxious you make the person the more rattled they become.) But, of course, true to his sterling character, he was kind, patient and encouraging the entire way. 

The road to Alveston is quite serpentine, and of course everyone drives fast, fast, fast here! But, I stayed calm and just chanted my mantra: “Left, Left, Left, stay on the Left.” The only problem is, and I don’t know what it's called exactly, but I think I might be "right-left disoriented." I mean generally. In New York, when people would stop and ask me for directions, I would have to raise my hand or turn my body to physically engage my brain as to which direction I trying to utter. Not a good practice, I think, to attempt whilst driving. I will need to work on this.

Still. First things first. I did it! I drove! Fear conquered! There will be no stopping me now!

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