31 August 2009

Tomato, To-mah-to

Apparently, the entire world is having problems with tomatoes this year. It is selfish and pathetic, but all I can say is, thank God it's not just me! I was beginning to seriously doubt myself, and had started to have sleepless nights, and vexing, vegetable-centred, bad dreams...

Until I came across this article in The New York Times: "For Tomatoes, Green is the New Red" (28 August 2009).

So, I can with pride share a picture of my beautifully under-ripe gems in all their green glory...

So, The D.E.B. and I tried our hand at a bit of "Grow Your Own" and we are only now seeing the fruits of our labours. (Pun intended.) 

At last...one, single red tomato...

We spent our Bank Holiday afternoon yesterday celebrating our one, bright, red tomato! And did a pre-autumn tidy up of the garden, and planted some winter pansies in pots and our window boxes. We have had more success with our flowers this year than our veg. But, of course there is always next year.

Autumn pansies for a bit of colour this Winter

Lucy overseeing the garden tidy up

 "Pansies, that's for thoughts." - Ophelia


Almost American said...

I've taken a couple of photos of my tomatoes for a blog post - will have to get it written and posted soon! Lots of blossom end rot here, but the cherry tomatoes seem to have been unaffected by it, so at least we've had some tomatoes to eat! However, they were supposed to be yellow sungold cherries and they have turned out to be red!


Oh WOW, this is soooo beautiful ! You have the most gorgeous site here and I had to drop by and leave this comment for you - and say hello of course ! Your posts are lovely and you have interesting pictures. It's all perfect so thank you for sharing them all and best wishes....