26 February 2010

(Im)patience rewarded!

I'm off to the nearest newsagents to grab a copy of Warwickshire Life magazine!

This month's edition of WL will feature the first installment of a monthly column written by yours truly!!

When I was approached with by the magazine's remarkable and formidable editor, with an offer of a monthly column, I was stunned speechless. 

Surely, she was in jest? 

Little me? My thoughts and words in print? And I would get paid to write them?! Why, that's crazy talk! That sort of thing doesn't really happen.

Well, apparently, dear Reader, it can and does happen. I just spotted a notice for my new "series" on the cover of the online edition. (Right next to a dishy pic of Clive Owen, no less!)

Goodness, me.


Iota said...

Congratulations! That fabulous.

Not From Lapland said...

Congratulations, that's fantastic news!

Nanny Debbie said...

oh how fantastic !
Do we get to read it? Online maybe ???

Kneazle1 said...


Just... Linda said...

Congrats! I'd love to read it. Would you post the site where we could see the online edition?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'd like to read it too.

Land of shimp said...

Hello :-) I was actually closing out the profile of someone whose blog I visit when I noticed the title of your blog listed among the ones she follows. I was intrigued, so I followed the link.

Looks as if I've arrived just in time to say a hearty congratulations! And it's a fun name for your column too. Then as I skimmed down through your posts, I noticed that you must be a Forster fan.

Oh, and you're much nicer than I am...I'd have spared the tact, and poured on the "What in the world our you doing in a giant petri dish, you flu sufferer, you!"