05 August 2011

No Panic and Freak Out

My British Red Cross First Aid Certificate has just arrived in the post! I am so very proud! I just hope I never, ever have to make use of the skills and techniques I learned...
I was required to take a day-long course "Emergency First Aid at Work" before I begin my appointment as a Leader with the holiday/tour company HF Holidays.
HF Holidays is a leading holiday company specializing in activities holidays in the UK and abroad. I will be leading on their Shakespeare and other literary tours. It’s a very, very part-time post (read=not a great deal of money), but it’s a super opportunity, with a great organisation, and keeps those teaching muscles toned!
I dreaded the First Aid requirement, as I am utterly squeamish! It’s the thought of puke, more than blood, that makes me anxious. But, our wonderful instructor, Rhiannon, reassured us that if, and when, the time came, our training and sense of duty would kick in! 
And, thankfully, of the critical earlier steps in the First Aid process is: “Shout for Help”  -- I’ve got that covered!

A few interesting facts I learned while on the course…

6 million days of work are lost in Britain each year due to injury
229 workers were killed at work in the UK in 2007-2008
8 people per day die on British roads
4% of the UK population suffers from Diabetes
Every 6 minutes someone dies of a heart attack in the UK
150,000 people suffer from a stroke in the UK each year
200,000 lives are claimed each year in the UK by heart and circulatory disease
4 people per day die of asthma in the UK
5 million people suffer from asthma in the UK

I must add that a few of my responses during the training were distinctly “American”. When Rhiannon asked if there were any questions, I posed the following: “What happens if you offer someone First Aid, and then months later they try to sue you for hurting them, or for something you didn’t get quite right?”
My question was met with a healthy dose of disbelief and amazement from my fellow trainees (“Who would do that?”); and Rhiannon reassured me by stating that there are rules in place in the UK that protect First Aiders and their attempts to help, since ultimately, we are there trying save someone’s life.


Anna at the Doll House said...

Congratulations: I'm sure you'll enjoy working with literary tours and if your holidaymakers pass out in amazement, then you'll know how to deal with that too.


Lisa said...

It sounds like a great tour. I was just checking out a literary tour today. I'm interested in a tour of Northern England/Scotland. Hope to be on a plane there soon! xo